Our group is working on cyber-physical & human systems, interconnected systems of mutually interacting cyber, physical and human components, for a variety of large-scale systems. In particular, we study in an effort to work out fundamental principles to coordinate human/society and highly-networked control systems to ensure optimality and robustness via distributed decision-makings. The main target application fields include smart agriculture, smart sky/ocean, and energy management. Beyond theory-oriented work, we are also addressing social implementation of networked robotics and human-robot collaborations through interdisciplinary collaborative research projects.
Cyber-Physical-Social Systems
Cyber-Physical-Human Systems
Research Interest
Complete CV is found here.
Awards and Honors
2023 SICE Control Division Pioneer Technology Award
2023 SICE Outstanding Paper Award
2023 Finalist of IFAC Application Paper Prize
2021 SICE Outstanding Paper Award
2020 IFAC CPHS Best Research Paper Award
2020 SICE Outstanding Paper Award and Takeda Prize
2020 IEEE Senior Member
2018 SICE Control Division Conference Award
2018 Plenary Speaker, SICE International Symposium on Control Systems
2017 SICE Control Division Outstanding Research Award (Kimura Award)
2016 SICE Outstanding Book Author Award
2015 Asian Control Conference Best Paper Prize Award
2015 Plenary Speaker, SICE Multi-Symposium on Control Systems
2015 SICE Outstanding Paper Award
2014 SICE Control Division Outstanding Research Award (Pioneer Award)
2009 SICE Outstanding Paper Award
Ph.D. Informatics, Applied Mathematics and Physics, Kyoto University, Mar. 2007
M. Informatics, Applied Mathematics and Physics, Kyoto University, Mar. 2004
B. Eng., Informatics and Mathematical Science, Kyoto University, Mar. 2002
Academic Employment
Oct. 2024-present, Professor, School of Engineering, Institute of Science Tokyo
Apr. 2024-Sep. 2024, Professor, School of Engineering, Tokyo Tech
Apr. 2020-Mar. 2024, Associate Professor, School of Engineering, Tokyo Tech
Apr. 2018-Mar. 2020, Associate Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University
Apr. 2018-Mar. 2020, Visiting Associate Professor, School of Engineering, Tokyo Tech
Jun. 2016-Jan. 2017, Faculty Sabbatical, Harvard University (Host: Prof. Na Li), USA
Jan. 2015-Mar. 2018, Associate Professor, School of Engineering, Tokyo Tech
Apr. 2007-Dec. 2014, Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Control Engineering, Tokyo Tech
Apr. 2006-Mar. 2007, A Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Professional Activities
Senior Editor of IEEE TCST(2024-)
Editorial Board Member of Annual Reviews in Control(2024-)
Associate Editor of IFAC Journal of Mechatronics(2023-)
Associate Editor of Advanced Robotics(2022-)
Member of Conference Editorial Board of IEEE CSS(2013-2023)
Secretary, IFAC World Congress 2023(2020-2023)
Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology(2017-2022)
Registration Co-chair, IFAC Workshop on Cyber-Physical and Human Systems (2020)
Secretary, IEEE Control Systems Society Japan Chapter(2018-2020)
Associate Editor of SICE Journal of Control, Measurement, and System Integration(2017-2019)
Associate Editor of Transactions on SICE (2015-2017)
IPC Member of IFAC Conference on Cyber-Physical and Human Systems(2018-)
TPC Member of IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems(2012-)
Takeshi Hatanaka (Senior Member, IEEE) received the Ph.D. degree in applied mathematics and physics from Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, in 2007. He then held faculty positions with the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan and Osaka University, Suita, Japan. Since October 2024, he has been a Professor with the Institute of Science Tokyo. He is coauthor of Passivity-Based Control and Estimation in Networked Robotics (Springer, 2015) and co-editor of Economically-enabled Energy Management (Springer Nature, 2020). His research interests include cyber-physical-human systems and networked robotics. He was the recipient of the Kimura Award (2017), Pioneer Award (2014), Pioneer Technology Award (2023), Outstanding Book Award (2016), Control Division Conference Award (2018), Takeda Prize (2020), and Outstanding Paper Awards (2009, 2015, 2020, 2021, 2023) all from The Society of Instrumental and Control Engineers (SICE), and IFAC 2023 Application Paper Prize Finalist. He is serving/served as an SE for IEEE TSCT, an editorial board member of Annual Reviews in Control, and an AE for IEEE TSCT, IFAC Journal of Mechatronics, Advanced Robotics and SICE Journal of Control, Measurement, and System Integration, and an IEEE CSS Conference Editorial Board member.